Data dan Outlook Transportasi, Logistik, dan Infrastruktur 2009-2019 ini menampilkan ukuran pasar (market size) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia 2009-2019. Pada 2014, pasar sektor transportasi dan logistik diestimasi Rp 1.810 triliun dengan pertumbuhan 13,2%. Pada 2015, market size tersebut naik 15,2% menjadi Rp 2.086 triliun. Pada 2016, angka tersebut diproyeksi tumbuh 15% menjadi Rp 2.399 triliun, dan terus naik hingga mencapai Rp 3.680 triliun di 2019. Rata-rata pertumbuhan tahunan (CAGR) sektor transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia diperkirakan 15,2% periode 2014-2019.
Sektor ini tumbuh secara signifikan sejak 2009-2019. Pada 2009-2014, pertumbuhan mencapai 13,7% CAGR dari hanya Rp 770 triliun pada 2009.
Segmen pengangkutan laut masih mendominasi sebesar Rp 1.096,6 triliun di 2015, disusul kereta api Rp 31,6 triliun, dan udara Rp 1,43 triliun. Segmen pengangkutan laut diproyeksi tumbuh 6,1% di 2013, 4,3% di 2014, dan 5,1% pada 2015 secara volume. Pengangkutan kereta api tumbuh 13,3% di 2013, 8,5% di 2014, dan 7,5% pada 2015. Sementara pengangkutan melalui udara naik 19,6% di 2013, 15,3% di 2014, dan 12,2% pada 2015. Sektor komoditas menjadi salah satu pendorong sektor transportasi dan logistik mengingat besarnya investasi antara lain di sektor CPO senilai US$ 2,4 miliar.
Selain itu, data ini dilengkapi data-data infrastruktur pendukung transportasi dan logistik di Indonesia, seperti sebaran bandara hingga 2030. Jumlah bandara umum saat ini sebanyak 189 bandara, yang terdiri atas 26 bandara komersial (dikelola PT Angkasa Pura) dan 1.643 bandara nonkomersial. Pada 2030, akan bertambah 44 bandara baru, sehingga total jumlah naik menjadi 233 bandara. Juga ditampilkan ekspansi PT Angkasa Pura I dan II dalam ekspansi bandara, meliputi: kebutuhan investasi, penambahan kapasitas, dan persentase pertumbuhan.
Di samping itu, ditampilkan infrastruktur pelabuhan yang cukup vital mengingat Indonesia memiliki garis pantai terpanjang keempat di dunia (95.181 km). Jumlah pelabuhan saat ini mencapai 2.392 pelabuhan yang terdiri dari 111 pelabuhan komersial, 1.481 pelabuhan nonkomersial, dan 800 terminal khusus. Terdapat rencana penambahan 91 pelabuhan baru di Indonesia bagian timur dengan investasi Rp 3,37 triliun.
Juga, ditampilan infrastruktur jalan dan rel kereta yang menopang pergerakan transportasi darat. Data ini juga dilengkapi infrastruktur coastal shipping, Trans Sumatera Railways, rel kereta api perkotaan, high speed train network hingga 2030.
Tidak ketinggalan, data ini menampilkan rasio biaya logistik dari berbagai sektor industri di Indonesia, misalnya untuk industri pengolahan makanan rasio biaya logistik terhadap input mencapai 35%. Terdapat 24 cabang industri yang memiliki rasio biaya logistik terhadap input yang cukup tinggi.
Data sebanyak 33 halaman ini berasal dari BPS, Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia, sejumlah riset perusahaan asing antara lain Frost & Sullivan, dan diolah*)
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Selasa, 26 Januari 2016
Selasa, 19 Januari 2016
Indonesia Oleochemical and Biodiesel Industry Outlook 2015-2016
These data showing the distribution of the oleochemical industry in Indonesia, especially for the production of fatty acid, fatty alcohol, and the final product. The focus of the spread of the oleochemical industry is dominated in North Sumatra. The total capacity of the oleochemical industry in Indonesia reached 1,599 million tons per year. There are 9 major players in between PT Musim Mas with capacity of 450 thousand tons per year, PT Ecogreen 419 thousand tons per year, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia 132 thousand tons per year, complete with a map of the location of each of the company’s factory.
These data also describe the distribution map Indonesian biodiesel industry 2014-2016 period. In 2014, the total capacity of the biodiesel industry in Indonesia reached 4.99 million tons, equivalent to 5.67 million kiloliters, with details of Riau and Riau 2.61 million tons, Eastern Java 1.57 million tons, Western Java 364 thousand tons, and other areas 233 thousand tons. There are 17 large-scale players including PT Wilmar Bioenergy Indonesia in Riau with capacity of 1.3 million tons per year, PT Musim Mas in the field with a capacity of 235 thousand tons per year, PT Eterindo Whanatama Gresik with a capacity of 80 thousand tons per year, PT Wilmar Indonesian Vegetable in Gresik (1.3 million tonnes per year), PT Sumi Asih Oleochem in Bekasi (100 thousand tons per year), PT Darmex Biofuels in Cikarang (150 thousand tons per year), and others, complete with a map of the location of each each plant.
In 2015, the addition of biodiesel capacity of 2.32 million tons per year, bringing the total national capacity rose to 7.32 million tonnes. There are 11 players large-scale capacity expansion in 2015, among others PT Oleochemicals Sejahtera Mas in Dumai with a capacity of 500 thousand tons per year, PT Darmex Biofuels in Dumai amounted to 410 500 thousand tons per year, PT Indo Biofuels Energy in West Kalimantan (100 thousand tons / years), PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo in Medan (140 thousand tons / year), PT Nusa Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Bits Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Multi Biofuel Indonesia in North Sulawesi (160 thousand tons / year).
This data is also equipped with projection Indonesian CPO production in 2016 amounted to 35 million tonnes, up 9.3% compared to the projected 32 million tonnes this year, according to data from the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). The increase will push the global CPO production increase of 5.96% to 65.1 million tonnes in 2016 compared to this year’s projection of 61.44 million tons.
Thus, Indonesia’s CPO production is expected next year accounted for 53.7% of total global CPO production. While Malaysia, the second largest palm oil producer after Indonesia, is expected to produce 21 million tons of CPO in 2016, with a contribution of 32.25% to the global market.
In addition, the data show the world CPO price forecast in 2016, the influence of El Nino and sentiment biodiesel program. As well, the impact on the development of exports and global demand trends.
Also featured coverage of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, the largest province of the composition based on an oil palm plantation. The land area of oil palm plantations in Indonesia in 2015 is estimated at 11.4 million hectares, with a composition of 5.9 million hectares of private land, 4.7 million hectares of the people, and 0.8 million hectares of state-owned companies.
On the other hand, also displayed a trend of investment in upstream and downstream sectors of the palm oil industry in Indonesia in the last five years, investment incentives prepared by the government, as well as projections of future trends. No lag, presented a special industrial area of oil palm industry which is being built by the government, the target in 2030, and the trend of the modern oil industry chain.
As many as 23 pages of data is derived from various sources such as regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, relevant ministries, as well as industry associations, processed Download database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of data options to suit the needs of users. All data is presented in the form of easily downloadable pdf so that once users perform the process according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the data sources are presented. Thank you for your trust to*)
Source: click here
These data also describe the distribution map Indonesian biodiesel industry 2014-2016 period. In 2014, the total capacity of the biodiesel industry in Indonesia reached 4.99 million tons, equivalent to 5.67 million kiloliters, with details of Riau and Riau 2.61 million tons, Eastern Java 1.57 million tons, Western Java 364 thousand tons, and other areas 233 thousand tons. There are 17 large-scale players including PT Wilmar Bioenergy Indonesia in Riau with capacity of 1.3 million tons per year, PT Musim Mas in the field with a capacity of 235 thousand tons per year, PT Eterindo Whanatama Gresik with a capacity of 80 thousand tons per year, PT Wilmar Indonesian Vegetable in Gresik (1.3 million tonnes per year), PT Sumi Asih Oleochem in Bekasi (100 thousand tons per year), PT Darmex Biofuels in Cikarang (150 thousand tons per year), and others, complete with a map of the location of each each plant.
In 2015, the addition of biodiesel capacity of 2.32 million tons per year, bringing the total national capacity rose to 7.32 million tonnes. There are 11 players large-scale capacity expansion in 2015, among others PT Oleochemicals Sejahtera Mas in Dumai with a capacity of 500 thousand tons per year, PT Darmex Biofuels in Dumai amounted to 410 500 thousand tons per year, PT Indo Biofuels Energy in West Kalimantan (100 thousand tons / years), PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo in Medan (140 thousand tons / year), PT Nusa Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Bits Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Multi Biofuel Indonesia in North Sulawesi (160 thousand tons / year).
This data is also equipped with projection Indonesian CPO production in 2016 amounted to 35 million tonnes, up 9.3% compared to the projected 32 million tonnes this year, according to data from the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). The increase will push the global CPO production increase of 5.96% to 65.1 million tonnes in 2016 compared to this year’s projection of 61.44 million tons.
Thus, Indonesia’s CPO production is expected next year accounted for 53.7% of total global CPO production. While Malaysia, the second largest palm oil producer after Indonesia, is expected to produce 21 million tons of CPO in 2016, with a contribution of 32.25% to the global market.
In addition, the data show the world CPO price forecast in 2016, the influence of El Nino and sentiment biodiesel program. As well, the impact on the development of exports and global demand trends.
Also featured coverage of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, the largest province of the composition based on an oil palm plantation. The land area of oil palm plantations in Indonesia in 2015 is estimated at 11.4 million hectares, with a composition of 5.9 million hectares of private land, 4.7 million hectares of the people, and 0.8 million hectares of state-owned companies.
On the other hand, also displayed a trend of investment in upstream and downstream sectors of the palm oil industry in Indonesia in the last five years, investment incentives prepared by the government, as well as projections of future trends. No lag, presented a special industrial area of oil palm industry which is being built by the government, the target in 2030, and the trend of the modern oil industry chain.
As many as 23 pages of data is derived from various sources such as regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, relevant ministries, as well as industry associations, processed Download database industry is a new feature in featuring dozens of data options to suit the needs of users. All data is presented in the form of easily downloadable pdf so that once users perform the process according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the data sources are presented. Thank you for your trust to*)
Source: click here
Ultrajaya Rajai 46% Pasar Susu UHT
PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk (ULTJ), emiten produsen susu ultra high temperature (UHT) dan teh siap minum (ready to drink tea), menguasai 46,1% pasar susu UHT di Indonesia, terbesar di negeri ini, dan 64,6% pasar teh siap minum dalam kemasan karton, menurut data yang diperoleh Volume pasar susu cair diperkirakan tumbuh 2% pada 2015, sedangkan teh siap minum tumbuh lebih tinggi sebesar 6%.
Dengan pangsa pasar yang besar, Ultrajaya merupakan market leader di industri susu UHT dan teh siap minum. Ultrajaya menyisihkan sejumlah kompetitor di industri susu UHT antara lain Frisian Flag yang berada di posisi kedua dengan pangsa pasar 19%, Indomilk 16%, Real Good 5%, Milo 5%, Clevo 4%, Diamond 1%, dan produsen lainnya 4%.
Sedangkan di segmen teh siap minum, Ultrajaya mengungguli Sosro yang berada di peringkat kedua dengan pangsa 21%, Teh Gelas 7%, Fruit Tea 3%, dan produsen lain 5%.
Ultrajaya menguasai pangsa 46,1% pasar susu cair UHT dengan beberapa line up produk yakni Ultra Milk, Low Fat Hi Cal, Ultra Mimi, dan susu kental Cap Sapi. Hingga kuartal III 2015, segmen produk susu perusahaan mencatatkan penjualan Rp 2,12 triliun atau berkontribusi 64,9% dari total penjualan. Sedangkan di segmen teh siap minum, line up produk perusahaan yakni Teh Kotak Jasmine Reguler dan Less Sugar serta Teh Kotak Rasa. Hingga kuartal III 2015, segmen teh dan minuman kesehatan mencatatkan penjualan Rp 826 miliar atau menyumbang 25,3% dari total penjualan.
Dengan pangsa pasar yang besar, Ultrajaya merupakan market leader di industri susu UHT dan teh siap minum.
Konsumsi susu cair di Indonesia mencapai 13,91 liter per kapita, tergolong rendah dibanding negara-negara ASEAN lain yakni Malaysia 54,11 liter per kapita, Thailand 34,04 liter per kapita, Filipina 14,56 liter per kapita. Segmen UHT membentuk segmen terbesar susu cair. Konsumsi susu cair di Indonesia berpotensi terus tumbuh ditopang urbanisasi dan peningkatan pendapatan, serta tren kebugaran dan kesehatan.
Hingga kuartal III 2015, Ultrajaya mencatatkan kinerja yang positif, meskipun di tengah perlambatan ekonomi. Kinerja ini didorong oleh tiga faktor utama, yaitu penjualan yang tahan krisis, harga susu tanpa lemak (skim milk) yang lebih rendah, dan penurunan utang.
Hingga September 2015, Utrajaya mencatatkan penjualan Rp 3,27 triliun, tumbuh 13,54% dibandingkan periode sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp 2,88 triliun. Sedangkan laba bersih tercatat Rp 393,55 miliar, melonjak 90,9% dari sebelumnya Rp 206,14 miliar.
“Sejak akhir 2014, penjualan Ultrajaya memang relatif solid. Penjualan yang stabil ditambah harga bahan baku yang lebih rendah telah meningkatkan margin penjualan dari 25,8% pada akhir 2014 menjadi 31,3% pada kuartal III-2015,” ungkap analis KDB Daewoo Securities Dang Maulida dalam risetnya.(*)
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Dengan pangsa pasar yang besar, Ultrajaya merupakan market leader di industri susu UHT dan teh siap minum. Ultrajaya menyisihkan sejumlah kompetitor di industri susu UHT antara lain Frisian Flag yang berada di posisi kedua dengan pangsa pasar 19%, Indomilk 16%, Real Good 5%, Milo 5%, Clevo 4%, Diamond 1%, dan produsen lainnya 4%.
Sedangkan di segmen teh siap minum, Ultrajaya mengungguli Sosro yang berada di peringkat kedua dengan pangsa 21%, Teh Gelas 7%, Fruit Tea 3%, dan produsen lain 5%.
Ultrajaya menguasai pangsa 46,1% pasar susu cair UHT dengan beberapa line up produk yakni Ultra Milk, Low Fat Hi Cal, Ultra Mimi, dan susu kental Cap Sapi. Hingga kuartal III 2015, segmen produk susu perusahaan mencatatkan penjualan Rp 2,12 triliun atau berkontribusi 64,9% dari total penjualan. Sedangkan di segmen teh siap minum, line up produk perusahaan yakni Teh Kotak Jasmine Reguler dan Less Sugar serta Teh Kotak Rasa. Hingga kuartal III 2015, segmen teh dan minuman kesehatan mencatatkan penjualan Rp 826 miliar atau menyumbang 25,3% dari total penjualan.
Dengan pangsa pasar yang besar, Ultrajaya merupakan market leader di industri susu UHT dan teh siap minum.
Konsumsi susu cair di Indonesia mencapai 13,91 liter per kapita, tergolong rendah dibanding negara-negara ASEAN lain yakni Malaysia 54,11 liter per kapita, Thailand 34,04 liter per kapita, Filipina 14,56 liter per kapita. Segmen UHT membentuk segmen terbesar susu cair. Konsumsi susu cair di Indonesia berpotensi terus tumbuh ditopang urbanisasi dan peningkatan pendapatan, serta tren kebugaran dan kesehatan.
Hingga kuartal III 2015, Ultrajaya mencatatkan kinerja yang positif, meskipun di tengah perlambatan ekonomi. Kinerja ini didorong oleh tiga faktor utama, yaitu penjualan yang tahan krisis, harga susu tanpa lemak (skim milk) yang lebih rendah, dan penurunan utang.
Hingga September 2015, Utrajaya mencatatkan penjualan Rp 3,27 triliun, tumbuh 13,54% dibandingkan periode sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp 2,88 triliun. Sedangkan laba bersih tercatat Rp 393,55 miliar, melonjak 90,9% dari sebelumnya Rp 206,14 miliar.
“Sejak akhir 2014, penjualan Ultrajaya memang relatif solid. Penjualan yang stabil ditambah harga bahan baku yang lebih rendah telah meningkatkan margin penjualan dari 25,8% pada akhir 2014 menjadi 31,3% pada kuartal III-2015,” ungkap analis KDB Daewoo Securities Dang Maulida dalam risetnya.(*)
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